Friday, April 30, 2010

Doubts over the Indian Premier League?

Over the past few weeks, the newspapers have been pretty busy with Lalit Modi and his cash-rich tournament the Indian Premier League (IPL).

We have come to know about the darker side of Mr. Lalit Modi. Doubts have been raised about the matches played in IPL. If a crooked person like Lalit Modi is involved in such a cash-rich tournament then it's obvious that one will point his finger towards the IPL. The involvement of such a corrupt person like Lalit Modi makes me surprised.

Also read: Twenty20 can pose threat in the coming days

When the cricketing world is trying to eradicate corruption, how can a crooked brain like Lalit Modi be involved in cricket? 

These Leagues remain fishy and for the betterment of cricket, steps should be taken to stop them.  

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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