Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Champions League Twenty20 2010 - Where are the champions of other countries?

Man, I am dying for some international cricket matches. I am tired of watching these Twenty20 cricket matches of Indian Premier League (IPL) and Champions League.  

Why no classic cricket matches of the past are being telecast? Once, ESPN and Star Sports did telecast the old cricket matches of the past. But where are they now? Perhaps, this is due to the second edition of upcoming Champions League Twenty20 (CLT20) and as ESPN and Star Sports are the official broadcasters of this CLT20, they are giving more emphasis on Twety20 matches.

Dam! Such Twenty20 matches don’t attract me. They are so boring!

The second edition of the CLT20 will be held in South Africa this year. Now, this is called the ‘Champions League’ and it means that domestic Twenty20 champions from all the major cricket playing nations will participate in this tournament. It sounds more like soccer’s UEFA Champions League where the best clubs of Europe participate for the ultimate glory.

But things are not like soccer in case of CLT20. Here only selective teams will participate and from India three IPL teams will be featuring. But, should this be the way? Where are teams from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Zimbabwe? These countries too have their own Twenty20 domestic formats. Right? Then why they are ignored?

As the powerhouse of world cricket, India is controlling everything and we all expect them to act like the elder brother of world cricket. But have they acted such yet? I don’t think so. I don’t get any idea of including three IPL teams in this tournament whereas it should be the tournament of the champions – the champions from all the major cricket playing nations. Just imagine how attractive a tournament had it been if teams from Pakistan and Bangladesh had featured as well!

But in such tournaments only financial gains are the utmost priorities and not cricket. The more the IPL teams, the more the cash – I guess this is what the officials think more. The enrichment of cricket has little value in such cash-rich mega shows.

Who am I to say about this? I am just a mere cricket fan. Does a cricket fan have any value in this commercial age of cricket? A cricket fan like me, who dislikes commercialization of cricket, has no value. 

Twenty20 cricket is a very dynamic idea. It is a very effective tool to globalize cricket, but it’s being used to earn cash in the most disgraceful manner.

I fear of horrifying outcomes!

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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