Tuesday, April 5, 2011

ICC World Cup 2011 - Sachin Tendulkar finally finds his ‘lady love’!

The symbol of the ICC World Cup supremacy is just like a beautiful lady. A lot of men will covet her, but few have any realistic chance of winning her. The man wanting her in his hands has to be a worthy in terms of intelligence, masculine courage and glamour.

That Team India successfully wooed cricket’s beauteous maiden is not surprising, given that this team had the cricketing intelligence, raw courage and a huge glamour quotient. And which maiden will not get attracted to Sachin Tendulkar!

Saturday was the pinnacle of Tendulkar’s cricketing career – a dream fulfilled. How can the paragon of cricket not win the statuesque and coveted beauty! If Tendulkar’s unparalleled cricketing career had ended without having the statuesque beauty by his side, it would have been a travesty of justice.

The moment the trophy came in Tendulkar’s hands seemed magical. It was an epic moment. Right on cue, the flash blubs went into a frenzy that lit up the night. It was the moment of moments the cricketing world was waiting. Tendulkar and the World Cup was a match made in Heaven – made of each other!

The World Cup nestling cozily in Tendulkar’s arm was a sight India cricket has been waiting patiently to see for years. This is what his team-mates wanted most for him. They said they would do everything to win it for him. This was the moment of truth. The moment of joy. This was the moment for a nation to celebrate. This was it!

A romantic cricketing career got its much-awaited fairytale ending. You can be sure that cricket’s favourite son will now live happily here after!

Note: This article has been published in Cricket Country on 5/04/2011 http://www.cricketcountry.com/articles/sachin-tendulkar-finally-finds-his-lady-love-1696

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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