Friday, February 1, 2013

Does the BCCI live in a dark cave?

In my younger age, India were still big but were not as big as today. They didn’t have the economic strength of today and they were regarded amongst the poorest nations in the third world. But like their neighboring countries they didn’t sit back and watched the time passed away but grabbed each of those opportunities that passed by and utilized them properly. And in the course time they’ve built today’s modern India who are recognized as one of Asia’s biggest powerhouses.

In the most important sectors, the Indians have excelled excellently to demand respect from the international community and today India are way a ahead of their neighbors. Technology is the subject in which the Indians progression is jaw-dropping. In the IT sector brightest Indians have given their utmost talent and effort to establish India as one of the centers of modern technology in today’s world. This India is bright, their citizens are technologically so bright that their brightness outshines their politicians corrupted stories.

But in India, one organization has still not enlightened by the dazzling aura of technology. That organization still loves to drive the crazy money trains, still love to ride in the cars whose silencer-pipe splits cash rather than gas. Yes, the BCCI is still too reluctant to embrace technology which is the demand of the majority of the cricket playing nation. Sadly, India has again struck down the latest attempts of the ICC regarding  the implementation of more consistency of the DRS. The worse part was that they had also threatened to pull out any tour in which the host country will insist to apply DRS.

According to the news we come to know, “At the ICC executive meeting in Dubai the ECB, represented by chairman Giles Clarke, was the only board that spoke in favour of a policy change where the approval of the host country would be enough to implement the DRS. N Srinivasan, the BCCI chief, shot down the proposal and ESPNcricinfo understands that the remaining boards did not make a stand.” (Source: cricinfo)

The DRS is the most debated subjects over the past few years and the majority of the cricket playing nations are ready to apply it. But the BCC’s stance remains stubborn and pathetic! BCCI have forgotten that in democracy the majority always rule and by being the citizen of one of the most successful nation in maintaining the democracy BCCI’s acts are pathetic. By providing 75% of the cash to ICC, BCCI has become an autocratic demon in world cricket.

Is it healthy for cricket?

Things change as because they are meant to. Change polarizes people and for which some people embrace it while others don’t. But change is never a monster but they challenge our very existence,  challenge our comfort zone with newly innovative ideas to open the windows to the world of a new horizon. Technology and its skeptics have always had an unhealthy relationship but in cricket, the silky touches of technology have done wonders in reducing errors. TV replays, Hotspot, Hawk Eyes, Slow-motion cameras have helped more than they have obscured. It’s not possible to move forward in this modern world without the blessings of technology.

There are issues about the DRS’s sensitivity and specificity. It’s a fairly new conception and before even blooming properly, the DRS has been engulfed by a controversial monster. To make a technology flourish, first of all, it’s needed to be used on a regular basis to asses its functional capacities and flaws. No technology will be without flaws but the flaws aren’t constant and can be corrected. Surely they can be modified. By shunning modern technology one only proves himself as a backward-minded fellow who wishes to live in a dark cave.

Is the BCCI that?  I think so. Like the cave people they too are arrogant, illogical and unaware of the modern technologies’ assets.

In the present world of smart phones, laptops, iPhones and so on we must challenge our thoughts, refine them, give ourselves the best chance of being correct. And for which the BCCI must embrace the modern technology – DRS and not be hostile towards it.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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