Friday, June 21, 2013

Protest in Brazil - Don't spoil everything but calm down!

I am pretty surprised that the Brazilian people are protesting for spending so much money in staging the World Cup. They want this money to be spent on the health and education sector instead of the World Cup. Well baby, it's the World Cup and not a joke. You do need such amount of cash to stage such events.

What do you guys want? The World Cup shouldn't be staged next year? You want the World Cup to be shifted somewhere else? So, won't it hurt your pride? And don't you people even understand the pride in staging such a mega event?

Don't be a politically motivated fool and jump like a stupid!

Your violent exhibition on the streets is simply denting your country's image. Easy guys! Be cool and welcome the mega event with a warm heart. Buddy, your Govt is way better than many of the third world countries' Govts. Dilma is a shrewd and organized leader and she will act according to your demands. But you guys should be resilient enough and support Dilam and co in staging the World Cup. 

Why are you guys up to spoiling the mega event?

Such events are a matter of huge pride. The World Cup should be and will be in the Samba land.

Try to understand what an event like this in Brazil means for Brazil and for a die hard Brazilian fan.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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