Thursday, December 29, 2016

Tony Greig: The friendly voice which is still missed a lot

In 1977, the cricketing world was taken upside down. The champion cricketers of that era shunned their national duties and flew Downunder to participate in a colourful and gorgeous show named World Series Cricket. From Lord’s to Bridge Town to Lahore – an angry reaction came out, but it hardly mattered for the man behind the event.

Kerry Packer, who wanted to be the ruler of television, saw cricket as the medium to achieve his goals. But he was denied such rights by the Australian cricket establishment which hurt Kerry’s ego badly. This led him to bust the cricketing establishment, not only in Australia, but across the world with a detonator, and the blast still resonates.

To recruit the best players from the world was not an easy task. Kerry required some smart and influential people to achieve the goals for him. Thankfully, Tony Greig and Asif Iqbal were there for him. While Asif Iqbal influenced the most important and charismatic Pakistani cricketers, the persuasive Tony Greig was able to polish off the cream of English cricketers.

Given the plight of Australian cricketers, their connivance was hardly a problem. The full of South African team, who were out of international cricket for decades did not think twice and flew in Australia. Meanwhile, Clive Lloyd enriched Packer's show by surfacing the major West Indian cricketers.

When the news of World Series Cricket broke out, one man became a villain. Tony Greig was portrayed as a traitor by the English establishment, but it didn’t deter him from working with Kerry and establish a long-lasting partnership which proved purposeful in a seismic shifting of modern cricket.

The glamour and financial success which the present day cricketers enjoy, they owe a lot to Kerry’s World Series Cricket and of course, Tony’s loyalty, brain and influence aided him a lot. Their unlikely friendship let the cricketing hierarchy realize the importance of branding cricket and its loyal students in a world which was changing and a tight hug with the so-called tradition won’t bring anything good for the game.

Modification of the so-called traditions doesn’t insult them, but it works as a major driving force to adjust to the new world and advance forward to create a brave new change.

Tony, a fearless and great thinker of the game, realized such things and thus, he gave Kerry the logistic support. Still, the traditionalists in England failed to realize the pulse of the changing world and kept on criticising him. He was sacked as the captain of England and though it hurt Tony, he was not devastated.

He said, "Obviously I am disappointed that my reign as England Captain has come to an end just as we were beginning to put things together. From a personal point of view, the only redeeming factor is that I have sacrificed cricket's most coveted job for a cause which I believe could be in the best interests of cricketers the world over."

Indeed, his sacrifice was for a bigger cause and it didn’t go waste. Kerry’s financial power, shrewd business brain and Tony’s ability to handle the situation and convince the best players to be a part of this change gave cricket a new identity, the benefits of which, world cricket is still enjoying.

Kerry Packer's son James said, “Greig stood shoulder to shoulder with my father at times when it was not always fashionable. Together with the backing of other key players and supporters, they forged a brave new age for both cricketers and spectators alike. For that alone, every fan of the game is in Tony Greig's debt. But he was much more than that. Our cricket enemy turned our mate.”

World Series Cricket dented Tony’s international cricket career forever, but for whom cricket was like a religion and passion, it was hard for Tony to stay away from the action.

Tony sat behind the microphone and his voice became a part and parcel of our day to day life. His voice became the darling of the young fans of the 80s and 90s and it seemed he knew what the young generation of fans wnated to listen. His impulsive, but friendly voice with a touch of flirtness, grabbed the imagination of the cricket fans all around the world.

On some occasions, Tony’s presence at the commentary box became a must. Like when Sachin Tendulkar used to bat, it didn’t become a matter of youthful joy until and unless Tony’s voice was heard. He took Tendulkar’s batting expertise to a new level for those who watched the little master in action on television.

On the other hand, his legendary but friendly on-air banters with Bill Lawry made cricket commentary a subject of great interest and fun during the Australian summer.

On December 29, 2012, Tony’s voice stopped forever. His adventurous journey in this world ended once and for all. Tony, the courageous fighter could not win the battle against lung cancer. All of a sudden, the magic of listening to cricket commentary vanished.

Of course, Harsha Bhogle and Mark Nicholas do give the fans the kind of flavour like Tony Greig at times, but still today, a cricket fan, who grew up listening to Tony’s commentary, keeps on searching for the voice which welcomed him warmly and became a part of his emotions.

As a cricketer, Grieg was a fearsome competitor. He hated to lose and never stepped back from attacking. Orthodox thinking was never his way of approaching his game and life.  And for which, he was able to create a long lasting impact on the game.Four years ago, on this day, world cricket lost its friendliest of voices and sharp thinkers.

He will forever be missed.

Note: This article has been published at Sportskeeda on 29/12/2016 Tony Greig: The friendly voice which is still missed a lot

Thank You

Faisal Caesar 

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