Saturday, April 21, 2018

Arsene Wenger is more than just a soccer coach

The era of George Graham came to a sad end and his replacement Bruce Rioch also failed to cut the mustard. Arsenal decided to appoint a French man working in Japan. His name was Arsene Wenger. He started his journey as “Arsene who?” but gradually, he became the ultimate boss of a club whose players  ate steak and chips before the game and drank pints of beer afterwards and the club, Arsenal, had a cramped stadium and a training ground shared with a university sports club.

Wenger changed everything as soon as he arrived at Arsenal. "An array of French and Francophone footballers were brought in to enliven the midfield and attack. Solid British bulldogs were introduced to the joys of steamed broccoli and yoga. State of the art facilities were installed at London Colney and eventually a state of the art stadium became Arsenal’s new home".

I still remember a heading in Bangladesh Observer twenty-two years back saying “Boring, boring Arsenal,” but within a few years, that French man would rejuvenate the club into crowd pullers and the toast of a new generation of football fans.  

I am sad today. It’s pretty hard to believe, Arsene won’t be associated with the club on which he had a huge impact.  Arsene is not just a manager but more than that – an institution and a role model for many.

I also have that fear, Arsene might leave football forever. No, this can’t be! This man should not leave football and still, football needs his knowledge and integrity. He must be in FIFA on a bigger post.   

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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