Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Brazil need Neymar

Websites like Goal and Bleacher know nothing but bashing Brazil and Neymar. If Brazil does well, somehow, they find a way to bash Neymar. And when Messi does not do well, bashing Cristiano Ronaldo becomes the motto to save their boss. We have been watching these bullshits for the last 10 years.

Neymar should not be in the team?

Mate, do you understand Brazil football?

Brazil are a team which is blessed with stars but among such stars, they always have one or three superstars, who become the source of inspiration in the World Cup.

Our boy Neymar Jr. is that superstar - like a Romario or Ronaldo, he's the nucleus of Selecao. And to win the World Cup Brazil would need Neymar.

The problem with many modern fans is, they take Copa America and Confederation Cup too seriously and forget, winning the World Cup is the ultimate goal.

Winning a Copa without your superstar does not mean, you're in the right track. And, Brazil won quite a few Copas in the late 80s and 00s without their major superstars.

In 2013, the victory in Confederation Cup created such a false sense of security that it forced Scolari to exclude players like Coutinho, Felipe Luis etc. only to keep the team of Confederation Cup intact.

We paid a heavy price, didn't we?

Whereas in 2006, the form of Adriano in Copa America 2004 and Confederation Cup 2005, gave the Selecao think tank and fans the thought, a combination of Ronaldo and Adriano would work better. But in fact, the combination of Ronaldinho and Ronaldo was needed more.

In fact, Ronaldinho was playing behind Adriano in Confederation Cup 2005 in a 4-2-3-1 formation. In Germany 2006, Ronaldinho was needed to be behind Ronaldo with Robinho and Kaka on the right and left respectively, with Adriano coming in later third to boost things up. But Copa and Condeferation Cup success forced all not to twist things.

The return was not good.

And the result was the same in 2010 as well.

Successes in Copa America 2007 and Confederation Cup 2009, gave Dunga the legitimacy to exclude Ronaldinho, whereas his experience was needed in South Africa.

So, we don’t need to get blind and fly in the sky with just one Copa success, but need to keep our logical mind intact.

Winning the Copa without Neymar had been a good practice of building Brazil's temperament and testing the available bench strength.

Thinking of excluding Neymar is nothing but a disastrous practice and a Brazil fan needs to realize this deeply. And of course, we need to give a fitting reply to such opinion pieces.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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