Friday, November 1, 2019

Either DC or Marvel should step up to make films on Thunder Cats, Voltron, He-Man, Phantom and Defenders of the Earth

In each and every Friday Morning, I need a dose of good cartoon - Voltron, Thunder Cats, He-Man, Defenders of the Earth, Silver Hawk, Fantastic 4, Transformers, Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, Wonder Woman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Justice League, X-Men, Avengers and Tom and Jerry.

Whether it's a cartoon or Movie, DC has been ruling the roost since my school days, but for the last 12 years, I could see Marvel Universe challenge the domination of DC and they have been quite successful.

Except for Hulk, X-Men, Fantastic 4 and Spider-Man, frankly speaking, none of us cared about Iron Man, Captain America, Thor or other Marvel characters or the Avengers until MCU started the rejuvenated cartoon series in this decade and movie sequels - Marvel threw a challenge to DC's works, but the viewers worldwide, enjoyed the works of both.

And since 2007, the Transformers equally challenged the might of both DC and Marvel. I enjoyed all of their film series since it hit the cinemas.

Meanwhile, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was good, but not the way I expected to fare.

Quite surprisingly, super-hit cartoons like Thunder Cats, Voltron, He-Man and Defenders of the Earth did not hit the silver screen the way we expected. I mean, these cartoons were expected to rule the roost, but none of the producers or directors came forward to give it the dynamic shape, which they deserve. By the way, a film on the story of Phantom is a must.

DC and MCU are dominating and in the upcoming decade, let us wait and watch what they come up with.

And fingers-crossed for Thunder Cats, He-Man, Voltron, Phantom and Defenders of the earth. I hope someone (either DC or Marvel) out there come up with a cracking movie of these cartoons.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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