Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Brazil and Palestine


Brazil and Palestine: 

- Brazil officially recognized the Palestinian state on December 5, 2010. However, Brazil has not established full diplomatic ties with the Palestinians. 

- Brazil has firmly stressed its support for a Palestinian state within the borders of 1967, having Jerusalem as its capital. The Brazilian Government has also advocated the end of the blockade of the Gaza Strip.

- In her address to the General Assembly, President Dilma Rousseff reiterated her country's firm support: "We believe the time has come for us to have Palestine fully represented as a full member in this forum."

- Brazil voted in favor of Palestine's admission as a full member of UNESCO and has announced it will support Palestine's full membership application when it comes to a vote at the Security Council. 

- The first party of 35 Palestinian refugees arrived on 21 September 2007 in Brazil to initate the first phase of the resettlement operation. In October, two other parties were expected to arrive in Brazil, making 117 persons in total.

Some settled in the state of São Paulo, the most populous and wealthiest in the nation.

Except the current joke of a President - Jair Bolsonaro -  and his comical followers, the majority back in Brazil always lend their support towards the oppressed Palestinians. 

Moreover, the Muslims in Brazil live in harmony with the others despite the world wide Zionist Propaganda against Islam. 

That is why Viva Brazil! 

Thank You 

Faisal Caesar 

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