Friday, December 30, 2022

Pele: The King

How do you describe greatness in words? Well, this is the most difficult task for a great writer or a low profile blogger like me. Just an article or a blog or a vlog can never be able to pay the ideal tribute to someone who is regarded as an all-time great. And, when you sit down to write something on one of the greatest sporting icons in history - it becomes tougher. And, to pay tribute to Pele after knowing about his death - the fingers don't act properly on the keyboard, emotions tend to overshadow the thought process and eyes become misty. 

Football was played even before Pele arrived in the scene. Football gained sky-high popularity even the boy from Sao Paulo kicked the round object. But since, that 17-year-old kid - Pele emerged on the greatest show on earth in 1958 -football changed forever. The round object that unites the world, would be blessed by the touch of the Brazilian carnival - Samba, and charm people around the globe. 

Football became an art when Pele started running with the ball.  He brought the charm of the Brazilian beaches, the music of the Samba carnival, the smile of the Brazilian beauty, and the simplest of the joy of those middle and lower class Brazilian whose happiness depended on the feet of the Boys from Brazil. 

He was the epitome of Joga Bonito, while the rest followed his rhythmic display on the football pitch. 

The God blessed Pele with a blend of supreme athleticism, skill and tactical vision. He could run 100m in 11 seconds, shoot with either foot and outjump the tallest defenders. His sheer physicality and turn of speed were electrifying as he homed in on goal, outsprinting or simply charging through defences while managing to keep the ball under close control. 

Pele's excellent technique, balance, flair, agility, and dribbling skills enabled him to beat opponents with the ball, and frequently saw him use sudden changes of direction and elaborate feints in order to get past players, such as his trademark move, the dribble da vaca. Another one of his signature moves was the paradinha, or little stop.

But, unusually for such a prolific goalscorer, he could also be a team player - a marvelous playmaker, who could operate from the deep and pull the strings. His brilliant football senses allowed him to put the ball in the pockets of spaces, from such a tough angle or positions that it remained just a dream for the mortals.

His great secret was improvisation, which Pele did in one moment. He had an extraordinary perception of the game. He was simply flawless. And off the pitch, he is always smiling and upbeat. No one ever saw him as bad-tempered. Always humble and friendly. 

 Among the most successful and popular sports figures of the 20th century, Pele is one of the most lauded players in the history of football and has been frequently ranked the best player ever Following his emergence at the 1958 World Cup he was nicknamed O Rei - The King. And, he kept on justifying his nickname until he hang up his boots. 

Pele brought Brazil's football back on track after the national catastrophe in 1950 - he showed the Samba Boys how to take their game to the next level. It was Pele, who showed the rest of the generation, how football can be a beautiful game and how improvisation can bury traditions once and for all.  

Pele was a decisive player and his impact on the game dictated the success story of Brazil during his prime and still today, his legacy is intact. 

Thank You

Faisal Caesar 

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