Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thank you Cape Town, Johannesburg and Mumbai

 I get sad when I notice a huge amount of dissatisfaction among the younger generation regarding Test cricket. I get annoyed when I hear some of the modern day cricket experts to announce the death of Test cricket. Death of Test cricket? Seriously, how can a cricket expert, announce such? The meteoric rise of Twenty20 cricket and a crazy money train called the Indian Premier League have cast a magic spell among the younger generation and some of the lusty cricket experts.  

Suddenly the concept of Test cricket is so old-fashioned! Test cricket seems to have out-lived their usefulness to many. But, hey, the longevity of cricket’s oldest format is long enough. Its existence is for eternity. The classic Test matches in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Mumbai have proved the true worth of Test cricket yet again.      

Both the Cape Town and Johannesburg Tests are a part of cricket’s folklore and Mumbai have made the candle of Test cricket even brighter. Such epics are just made once in a generation and I was privileged to witness an epic. The Mumbai Test was supposed to signature Tendulkar’s 100th international 100 but it’s now a part of cricket’s unique family, the drawn-tied Test match. It’s even greater than an individual’s personal landmark.

And the Test matches in Cape Town and Johannesburg? It was overall a thrilling-ride. The global audience experienced nerve-wrecking moments and rediscovered the true beauty and charm of Test cricket which a Twenty20 match can never gift.

Thank You

Faisal Caesar

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