Friday, January 20, 2012

Joynal Abedin - A hero from Bangladesh

A person blessed with enormous courage and will-power should be our role models. For you and me, such personalities mostly exist in abroad. But mind you, in Bangladesh such personalities also exist. We simply lack the eye to recognize them. 

They are neither the elites nor the so-called Sushil Somaj who simply exist on controversial remarks. They represent the low socioeconomic class of Bangladesh and rickshaw puller Joynal Abedin  is one of them.

What is so special about this rickshaw puller who pulls rickshaw in the capital of Bangladesh 6 nights a month to earn his livelihood? Surely, the 55-year old man has something unique qualities which have made him one of my favourite personalities from this country. His story is an inspiring one.

Joynal Abedin watched his father die pathetically without receiving proper treatment due to financial problems. His father’s death made Joynal to think about building a charitable hospital to serve those who are unable to receive proper treatment. Many poor people in Bangladesh accept such death as a regular event. But Joynal decided to change things around. He became determined to fulfill his dreams. 

After Joynal’s father's death, he and his wife moved to Dhaka to earn their livelihood. He started to live at Shahjahanpur Rail Colony and his hardships mounted in course of time. Then a rickshaw owner named Mosharraf, being touched heavily by the pangs and agonies of Joynal, came forward to help him. He gave Joynal 50 taka and also taught him how to pull a rickshaw.

The struggle of Joynal starts!

He pulled rickshaw for the whole day and night for around 14 years while his wife Lal Banu managed a job at a clinic. Joynal used to share his dreams with his wife who have been best friend during his bad times.

He saved money from his daily income and tried to open a bank account. But sadly our so called well educated people ignored Joynal. Lady luck sent Sonali Bank’s manager Saleha Akhter to help Joynal to open a bank account.

Twenty years later their savings had reached to 2 lacs 84 thousand taka and they returned to their village bought 23 decimals of land and constructed a house to live with their two children and opened a four-bed hospital with the rest of the money. The name of the hospital was "Momtaz Hospital".

According to Daily Star, "Momtaz Hospital soon drew the attention of the villagers and people far beyond. On an average, the hospital offers first aid to around 25 patients a day while handing out pain killers, oral saline, paracetamol, metronidazole, antacid and de-Wormers.

Alongside the hospital, Joynal has also started a free coaching centre and a Maktab (Arabic learning centre) for poor primary school-goers. Around 50 children regularly receive tuition here.

He pays each of the two teachers - Md Aiyub and Khalilur Rahman of the coaching Tk 3,500 a month".

Joynal's determination is a lesson for us all. If you are determined to chase your dreams, then adversities can be conquered. Fortune always favours the brave.

Surely, there exist quite a few Joynal Abedin's in our country. But our media is so busy in focusing on good-for-nothing fellows and useless issues that such true heroes get overshadowed. Bangladesh need such people more to inspire the young generation and enlighten the society.

People like Joynal Abedin should be our role model.

He is a hero. 

Thank You
Faisal Caesar


  1. Beautiful! These people are everywhere! Complete respect for this man! May Allah keeps guiding him. It's only because of such people the world is still breathing.
    Well written! :)

  2. Can you give me a contract numberof this Hospital
