Monday, March 26, 2012

Don't hurt your dedicated lover for nothing

You have a lover in your life who loves you more than anything else. That love is the most dedicated one which is simply unavailable in this age of commercialism and materialism. That lover wants nothing but only your love and care. That lover is always there when you need most.

But sadly, what do you do with your love?

You don’t pay that lover back the rewards he/she deserves. You in turn play with the lover’s emotions and hurt him/her very often without even knowing about the circumstances. You only cared about yourself selfishly. You never realized what might be going through your partner’s heart and mind when you provide him/her the shortest of time.

Whenever your partner wish to share his/her emotions with you, you avoid them by being overt busy for nothing, by being dramatic or by being over emotional which bear no true logic.

Don’t do this.

Remember time is very cruel and it pays back the things for each and every action of yours. They way you behaved, reacted or avoided your partner might leave you wake up in the morning one day as the most lonely person in this world.

At present the materialistic world is the most important thing for you. Your new job, your new interactions with the people is the most important thing in your life. And for which you forgot someone totally, you forgot his/her loneliness, his/her pains and sacrifices.

And for which he/she left you not because they don’t love you but they left because they thought you aren’t happy with them, you were bothered by their presence and that’s why they left you thinking that you’ll be happy if they leave. As your happiness had always been the most important thing in their life.

Try to understand your lover’s dedication and sacrifices. It’s only for you he/she exists. You make their world. So don’t ruin your lover’s world which was built on the basis of those dreams which your lover dreamt when you entered their world.

Understand your love and be dedicated towards them. They deserve it as they are gifts of God in your life. Open the sunglasses of the materialistic world from your eyes and watch your dearest one’s crazy love which is ready to do anything for you.

If you can love with dedication then expect a good return otherwise cruel time will pay you back the cruelest reward.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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