Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A true love without doubts and arguments is nothing but a formality

A true-affair love is never without doubts and arguments. If a love-affair relationship is without doubts or arguments then it’s nothing but formal and colorless. If your partner doubts you then it means that he/she is serious about you and he/she always thinks about you almost each and every second of the day. His/her doubts are the expression of love about their partner.

And such doubts will give rise to arguments which also indicates how truly he/she love their partners. It’s a must to have arguments and doubts in a relationship as it increases the love more and more between partners.

 It’s obvious that you’ll not talk with your partner after a good bout of arguments and this sudden lack of communication gives rise to an urge to communicate which is simply the best part in a romance. Only a lover can feel that urge and none else.

You’ll hear a romantic song which’s each and every word completely matches with your feelings; you’ll spend the whole day watching your love’s picture and will feel him/her more deeply. And in the end either you or your partner end up calling each other.

WOW!!! Love is so amazing!!!

A true love is never full of sunshine. Its obvious dark clouds will gather around but two people can share one umbrella if they huddle close. No one is perfect in a true love-affair but the best relationship is by knowing the imperfect ones perfectly.

When you’ll find that your partner isn’t arguing with you or showing doubts on you then it only indicates his/her lack of interest on you, the lack of love for you.

What is a true love without arguments and doubts?

It's nothing but a formality.

No relationship is smooth sailing. As much as the love exists, arguments and doubts are bound to crop up occasionally. What's important, however, is how you deal with them, let them simmer and boil out of control or nip them in the bud.

Love truly, wholeheartedly and honestly and do argue and doubt occasionally to refresh the love. As after each arguments the wind of honeymoon always start to blow and the love remains fresh forever. 

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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