Sunday, November 25, 2012

Egos don't destroy, they create legends

Rank-turners were slapped, nightmare against the turning balls were brushed away, weaknesses against left-arm spin was buried as batting supremacy was established with a greater distinction by a man whose future of playing for England looked bleak few months ago. Today, at the Wankhede, Kevin Pietersen unleashed an innings of a lifetime which very few Englishmen can dare to script with as commanding effort as Pietersen.  

A person with ego suffers. Most often he discovers himself alone with the world moving on. By being too introverted he lacks friends and dear ones and for the time being his world get’s finished – burned with self-pride. But, hold on! They do come back. It’s again their ego which relives their spirit from the ashes. They rise from the ashes, challenges the adversity and move on like a tiger. They create their own world which is special and daring than the ordinary world where the ordinary souls exist.

The Mumbai track was prepared to trap the Englishmen in the web of spin and the way the track started to turn from the first day it was expected that the Indian spin-trio would devour the Englishmen haplessly. But Pietersen stood tall and proved his worth for the English team with conviction. It had been innings of a man who cherishes his ego and is used to dish out unique performances depending on his ego. Only a talent can dare to play such knock, only ego can demand such authority.

In the nervous 90’s KP didn’t wilt but went for an outrageous reverse sweep with maximum composure to reach his hundred and then reached his 150-run with an extraordinary pickup over midwicket off the left-arm spin of Ojha. Then there was a genius of a loft over cover for six again against the left-arm spin of Ojha. You could only wish to play for such shots in dreams but men like KP make this possible in reality as they are the children of Hercules, the rare gift of God.

We blame people like KP for being too egoistic, too aggressive and introverted. But it is their ego that helps them to script those impossible epics which the mere good ones can’t even think of. Their ego brings out the best from them and it’s their ego which makes them exceptional. Resistance and caution would be the key to apply on this Mumbai track but for men like KP resistance is boredom, caution is just like eating grass as a tiger doesn’t eat grass.

The Wankhede observed something special which will remain etched in the memories of those present at the stadium and those who watched live on TV. It had been a victory of ego over adversity. It had been a message for those who are always up to hassle the egoistic personalities. Egos don’t destroy, they create legends. And Kevin Pietersen is the legend of the modern generation.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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