Sunday, December 9, 2012

16 crore fans say "Yes!" This coach says "At last!"

Sometimes wins go almost overlooked, unseen and perhaps unnoticed by the media. In this modern day of numerous ODIs and seemingly meaningless matches, one series has meant more to a nation than any other series – or nation.

The 3-2 series win by Bangladesh over a full West Indies team means little to the detractors outside of Bangladesh who say the team isn’t very good. But this series win is more that just a poke in the eye to those. This win could be an important moment in what have been many false dawns before for Bangladesh.

The difference with this win, compared to The 4-0 ‘Banglawash’ over New Zealand in 2010, is that it was done without Shakib Al Hasan. More than that though, it was done with contributions from debutants like Anamul, Mominul and Sohag Gazi. It was also done with very mature performances from Mahmudullah Riyad and Nasir Hossain.

 This is significant.

 No longer does Bangladesh have to feel it relies on Tamim Iqbal for runs, or Shakib for runs and wickets. The confidence appears to be there with players who are prepared to stand up and be counted in their own right. I hope that confidence doesn’t disappear as fast as the fans leaving the stadium.

 It would be churlish and somewhat unfair to point out that Gayle never fired or that West Indies bowled poorly as a team overall. It might have been that Bangladesh never allowed those players to be successful in the first place. So the credit must go to the squad here for making the results go in their favour.

 Then special mention to Shane Jurgensen, interim Head Coach, who had nothing to lose by taking over this role. A team unexpected to do well and without the weight of having to win the series, seemed to galvanize under Shane. Whether his input was vital or not, the fact remains the victory is under his watch and to witness a 2-0 lead be all-squared with one match to go, many observers believed West Indies would simply steamroller Bangladesh. But a steely determination underpinned the final win and everyone associated with this success must be congratulated.

Emotion plays a huge part in cricket life in Bangladesh. We all hope that logic – at last - can for once prevail and this squad with these players can go on and start to truly believe that this was no fluke.

For the rest of the world used to witnessing Bangladesh not fulfilling its huge potential, the series win over West Indies will serve as a reminder that something is stirring on the playing fields of Khulna and Dhaka. Everyone must ensure this continues as a catalyst and not a flash in the pan. The Asia Cup hinted that something might be happening. Time will tell if the future is to be bright for Bangladesh. But for now,  just enjoying a hard-fought series win is all that matters. It is for another day, very soon, that lessons can be learned.

Courtesy: Ian Pont

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