Monday, April 27, 2015

বাংলাদেশের ক্রিকেট বিশেষ-অজ্ঞ

কিছুদিন আগে বাংলাদেশের প্রথম একদিনের আন্তর্জাতিক ম্যাচ নিয়ে ফেসবুকের একটি পোস্ট  ( ) আমাদের দেশের লোকজন বেশ শেয়ার দিচ্ছিলেন। পোস্টটি পড়লাম এবং পড়ার পর আমি লিপু ভাইকে এই বিষয়ে জিজ্ঞেস করলাম। উনি আমাকে খুবই সুন্দর একটি উত্তর দিলেন। উনার কাছে অনুমতি নিয়ে আমি উনার রিপ্লাই টা আপনাদের সাথে শেয়ার করছি,

“Brother still we talk about 1986 Asia cup in many places for a few reasons and one of the best memories of mine as it was a well organized tournament. We went by Air and a bus was almost full time for the team as team's gets currently. Since India didn't take part so to make the tournament successful our participation was very important.

In 1985 though we played against an almost-Pakistan-national-team at home under the name of Omer Quraishi XI but it was true that we were a bit excited specially against Pakistan. Imran was leading the bowling attack with Wasim Akram, Zakir Khan, Mohsin Kamal, Abdul Kader and young Left arm, promising seamer Salim Jafar if I am not wrong. One of the local organizers helped us to buy few chest guards which most of the batsmen tried for the first time with discomfort.

Since, the India team was not there Pakistan was very much sure about to play the final as as well to win the trophy. As far as I remember, while we were practicing at the NCC ground after lunch session, all of a sudden we noticed that the Sri Lankan team also turned up there to have a short session for some specific drill just after losing the match badly against Pakistan an hour ago.

In those days we had no coach with our team while we used to travel to minimize the cost. Neither were there any match referees as well. Yes, it is correct that it makes me surprise that while we just started walking for the toss, all of a sudden Imran khan proposed me what is the point walking so long up to the pitch but do the toss here? I was not ready to hear something like that from him and I did not make any argument with him that is also true. Toss session was not part of Live telecast too. But Imran never said that what is the point of doing toss against our team and those are all gossips rather don't hesitate to take the advantage of the full day session match to bowl first. If you look at the scorecard (  then you will understand that who has bowled how many overs. There was a culture in those days and which is that the par timers used to request the captain to bowl if the team is in commanding position as well team rules was not strong like nowadays, so if the captain was not happy to any player he used to implement his rules in many ways if situation permits.

I am not sure that commentators made this kind of comments on Air. The magnificent part of this tournament was since we could not play too many matches on that tournament organizers given us the hospitality to stay more 3/4 nights on their cost so that we can see the final and gain some experience and we have seen how underdog Sri Lanka fought back and won the Cup".

লিপু ভাইয়ের রিপ্লাইটি পড়ে আপনারাই বিচার করুন যে এই ধরনের পোস্ট শেয়ার করার মত কতটুকু যোগ্যতা রাখে? কাউকে যদি ছোট করতেই হয় তাহলে একটু স্টাডি করে হেয় করা উচিৎ নয় কি? ফেসবুকের বেশীরভাগ পোস্টই ভুল তথ্য এবং হেটরেডই ভরপুর। পোস্ট গুলো কে বা কারা শেয়ার করছেন সেটা একটু বিবেচনা করুন এবং সেটির ইনফরমেশন গুলো নিজে, নিজে বিচার করে তারপর লাইক কিংবা শেয়ার দিন, তাই না? আপনারা কেন এদেরকে সেলেব্রিটি বানান? এরা খেলার খ-ও বুঝে না বরং আমাদের আবেগ নিয়ে খেলা করে।


ফয়সাল সিজার 

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