Thursday, September 21, 2017

A four-day match is not Test cricket

South Africa are planning to host Zimbabwe for a four-day day-night match in Port Elizabeth, starting from December 26. Cricket South Africa is awaiting International Cricket Council’s approval before labeling the Zimbabwe fixture a Test.

I think this is a ridiculous idea. Many complain, Test cricket is not lasting full five days and thus, the duration should be cut short. But is it wrong with the duration or technique and temperament of the players? In my opinion, at present, most players are not well-equipped to play five-day matches and thus surrender quickly. It would be better to improve the skill of players rather than planning to cut short the duration of Test cricket.

For the interest of businessmen and sponsors, it would be simply insensible to play a four-day Test match. The best format of the game would not bear the same appeal if it is played for four days. This cannot be called Test cricket but a warm up match.

 I think, these businessmen should leave Test cricket alone and remain busy with the bloody circus shows. Test cricket is not for some Tom, Dick and Harry. It requires some qualities to understand Test cricket.

Innovative ideas are always welcome but at times, these guys simply cross the limit. It would be very bad to cut short the duration of Test matches. ICC - International Cricket Council should not accept such a bloody proposal from South Africa, who I think, have been sold to those who run the circus shows. I hope, the ICC show some sense regarding this matter. Will they really be able to show such?

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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