Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Pakistan: Misbah-ul-Haq is not the wrong choice

Misbah-ul-Haq has been appointed as the head coach and chief selector of Pakistan for 3 years. I think this is a very good move.

Pakistan is a talented unit, but always lacked discipline and stability. They need a good man-manager who can ensure both and right now, Misbah is that ideal person.

As history suggests, the Pakistanis are so talented that coaches hardly mattered for them, but their downfall has always been due to waywardness. And for which, someone like Misbah would be highly influential. I see him more as a manager than a coach. 

Again, as a coach, I don't think he is the wrong choice. Misbah has learned his cricket through hard ways and such customers know better about fixing failures than others.

I also admire his appointment as the chief selector. This is a very smart move. The head coach knows what team he wants and if he is given the job of a chief selector, then it becomes easier for him to deal with things better.

I am not expecting Misbah to take Pakistan to the top, but at least, Pakistan can be a competitive unit under him and not a wayward Ferrari in the coming days. 

One needs to give him time and have patience.     

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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