Thursday, July 16, 2020

It was a tragedy, but respect Uruguay

For a Brazil fan, who grew up watching the men in yellow shirt since 1988 Olympics in Seoul, and then fell in love so deeply that at times it becomes more than a passion - for some it is madness, but only a Brazil fan would understand what lies behind this madness - nothing but true love.

It has been a journey, where Brazil forced me to study the game like Imran Khan Viv Richards did me in cricket. And while studying the history of Brazil Football, Maracanazo would still leave every Brazil fan crying deep down - even those who were not present there or did not follow the Radio.

For me, a die hard Brazil Fan, Uruguay is a team, which I respect fully. If any team in this world football can totally unnerve Brazil even before the start of a match then that is Uruguay.

It is never easy to silence Maracana. Never!

The Uruguayans did it on July 16, 1950 and triggered a shock wave throughout Brazil and rest of Football World.

Ghiggia's calm and composed strike immediately made everyone forget one of the best sides in the history of World Cup and Brazil Football.

Even the Diego Maradona has a huge respect for Uruguay and in an interview he directly answered the question to the toughest match of Argentina in Mexico -the Round of 6 clash against Uruguay. And, surprisingly for Pele and Brazil in 1970, it was Uruguay who tested the best team in the history of Football.

Maracanazo was a catastrophe, but as a Brazil fan, I have huge respect for Uruguay and their fighting spirit.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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