Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bangladesh cricket - Was that a very sensible act by the BCB?

Bangladesh is well known for its hospitality. But at times this hospitable nature is being exploited badly by the others. And Bangladesh tends to bow down. More often we reveal to our guests what we have in our armory and in thus lose the opportunity to take full advantage of our own assets. Hospitality then turns out to be an act of nonsense.

The ODI series between the Tigers and Kiwis will start off tomorrow at the Sher-e-Bangla National Stadium in Mirpur. The visitors didn’t have the chance to play any warm up matches at the BKSP due to poor weather conditions.

That prompted the New Zealand management to request the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) to let them have a full session in the center wicket of the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium in Mirpur, which they were allowed to do on Saturday.

It could well be the first time that a visiting cricket team has got the privilege of center-wicket practice. And it’s only possible in Bangladesh. But the BCB forgot the Tigers last tour to NZL earlier this year.

The Tigers’ practice matches too were hampered by bad weather but they weren’t given such privilege to practice on the centre-wicket, whereas the Kiwis have practiced 70 over at best on the center-wickets of Mirpur. No country gets this kind of a privilege in an away tour.

The BCB did the same thing when the English team were visiting Bangladesh earlier this year. Alastair Cook’s men were allowed to play a three-day match on the Test venue at Chittagong and that too on those tracks where the Test matches were played.

Was that a very sensible act by the BCB? Allowing a visiting team to adapt on a wicket where the main matches will be held can never be termed as something sensible. How spineless a Board can be! I wonder!

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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