Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Raqibul Hasan - The immovable object

The Tigers were two wickets down and the crowd expected Shuvagata Hom to come out to bat against Australia yesterday. Hom is a very promising cricketer. But instead of Hom, the dull figure of Raqibul Hasan showed up. Obviously, the crowds, present at the stadium and TV spectators were not pleased at all.

Raqibul’s decent display against Australia in the practice matches helped him to get included in the one-day side but after his pathetic 7 runs off 22 balls in the first ODI, the selectors needed not to included him in the side for the second ODI and inject someone like Hom to add dynamism in the side. But sadly, Hom has to wait for another match while Raqibul displayed some boring cricket as usual.

Raqibul Hasan is a cricketer with plenty of limitations. He not only lacks the technique but solid temperament as well – a very one dimensional batsman who simply does not fit in this fast and furious modern day cricket.    

‘You fail in one match; you get axed for the next match’ – if such has been the policy of Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) over the years then frankly speaking, Raqibul Hasan should not have been featuring in the second ODI. But still, he gets selected. Why? Nepotism?

Players like Alok Kapali don’t get a chance in the side but proven failures like Raqibul Hasan gets included again and again. What does this indicate? The BCB is more interested in nurturing nepotism rather than talent.

Sensibility has never been BCB’s policy and for which immovable objetcs like Raqibul Hasan gets featured and we continue to lose deserving cricketers. Such sort of mindsets will do no good for Bangladesh cricket.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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