Friday, June 24, 2011

The M.B.B.S degree

I have just received a nice information from Facebook regarding the MBBS undergraduate course. We do have a very hectic and tough undergraduate course than the other existing undergraduate degrees in Bangladesh. But in a sense we hardly receive the due respect.

"M.B.B.S has been chosen as the TOUGHEST course among all courses including BCOM, BCA, IAS, IPS and ENGINEERING by the Guinness Book of World Records on 18 May, 2011. It has 64 university exams + 130 series exams + 174 assignments within 5.5 years (max 1000 working days)".

There you go. Thats how tough it is! 

The life of just an M.B.B.S doctor in Bangladesh is even more pathetic and tougher.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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