Wednesday, March 15, 2017

#Bangladesh100 - An emotional day for me

In the 80s and 90s, the young generation were discouraged to take cricket seriously. Few parents did allow their kids to play football and take it as a profession, but when any of the kids wished to become a cricketer, they did not receive enough support from their family. As because, cricket had no future in Bangladesh. Cricketers like Gazi Ashraf Hossain Lipu, Yousuf Babu, Aminul Islam, Minhazul Abedin and Akram Khan did inject a lot of inspiration, but at the end of the day those inspirations were like a morning dew which vanished as the day progressed.

Bangladesh were not a Test nation and to earn a Test status was an uphill task. If cricket needs to grow in this part of the region, a Test status is a must for Bangladesh and for that, they need to feature in the ICC World Cup.

Bangladesh’s performances in the ICC Trophies were not good and the dream of becoming a Test nation always remained a dream.

The nation kept busy with football.

Me, my friends and a few fans in Dhaka and Chittagong dreamed big.

In 1992, I returned home late after playing cricket in the gully and was heavily scolded. My family said in a harsh manner, “Give up playing cricket. Bangladesh has no future in cricket!”

I told my sister, “Things will change some day. Wasim, Waqar, Lara and Tendulkar will come to play in Dhaka one day”.

My sister said, “Kochu!”

It’s March 15, 2017 today. Bangladesh will play their 100th Test match. How things have changed over the years! Since yesterday, deep down, I have been very emotional. I am sure, those who grew up listening, Bangladesh has no future in cricket during their school and college life, are very emotional like me today.

I have watched the Tigers to grow. I have watched how the boys overcame the obstacles to establish themselves as a Test playing nation.

We have a great history and our history was not made easy.

Long live Bangladesh and Tigers!!!

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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