Monday, January 30, 2012

The doctors of Bangladesh don't deserve to be insulted

Dr. Shafiqul Islam, a medical officer of Chapainawanganj Adhunik Sadar Hospital is admitted at the same hospital after being critically injured.

But why he was injured? Do you want to know?

He was being beaten by a patient on the hospital’s emergency department. According to the newspaper, Daily Star, we come to know that Azizur Rahman, 40, of Masjidpara area in the town came to the hospital emergency on Saturday at about 6:30pm for treatment of diarrhoea. Dr. Shafiqul Islam suggested him to take admission at the hospital.

But the man went out of the hospital and returned a few minutes later bringing charges of laxness against Shafiqul. At one stage, he hit the doctor with an object and injured him seriously.

Angry locals and staff of the hospital caught Azizur and later the hospital authorities handed him over to Sadar police. Critically injured Dr. Shafiqul Islam, medical officer of the hospital, is now under treatment at the hospital.

Incidences like these are plenty which many people don’t know. I personally have faced some ugly patients and attendants in my short span of medical profession who wished to press me in the ground for nothing even if I was being gentle and polite.

The reason for this was their hate towards the doctors which cropped up by reading the newspapers written by our fellow journalists.

Good and bad people exist in all parts of the society but for which all people aren’t bad and doesn’t deserve the same treatment indeed. The journalists draw us in the worst possible way but they fail to realize of how much stress a doctor pass through their whole life. Still a journalist hasn’t written anything about the life of an M.B.B.S. doctor or the life of a postgraduate student who surpass through immenseness miseries.

The only one thing the journalists do is portray the bad side of a doctor.

Do we deserve this? The people who are sacrificing their own life for the sake of humanity do deserve this insult?  

Have the journalists and the people of Bangladesh who love to ditch the doctors of our country ever realize if we doctors don’t work then what will happen to them?

The whole country will stand still.

The doctors don’t like to do this and never did this or ever will do this. But there is something calls bearing the limit. If the limits crosses the doctor community might teach the so-called ‘Intellect,’ who runs for India and Singapore even when they develop constipation, of Bangladesh a lesson which they might remember for whole of their life and a lesson to those third-grade peoples who are always in the habit of treating doctors miserably.

We the doctors of Bangladesh face the toughest circumstances only save your life. We sacrifice our family and personal life for the sake of BangladeshCome and watch how a doctor leads their life in the rural areas of Bangladesh. Come you bloody journalists and watch how a doctor is living in a single room with his family. Come you freak people and watch how a doctor is leading their life as an HMO without payments. Come and see how a doctor forgets to organize his own life. Come and see how a doctor forgets to sleep only to make you breathe again......Come and watch it!!! 

Watch it Bangladesh! If we doctors don’t work then the heart beat of the nation will stop!

Give us respect Bangladesh. We don't deserve to be insulted. 

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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