Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Euro 2016 - Wales are the favourites, Portugal should not be complacent

When a tournament like Euro 2016 is going on, there should be little time to think about other issues. Let the Govt and people related to this do their job as they know better than you and me how to handle such situations and I don’t think there is any reason to spread panic. They want us to get afraid and make us weak. But, we need to be cautious and brave enough rather than getting crazy in the social media.  

A fascinating contest will happen tonight. Don’t dare to miss it at all.

Portugal’s sheer bloody-mindedness to find a way to win has helped them to advance into the semifinals and frankly speaking, Portugal’s presence in the semifinals is quite atypical for me. I would have loved to see Croatia instead of them. While Portugal stuttered and stumbled, Wales are the team in form and their blazing performance against Belgium makes them the clear favourites tonight on paper.

But, the suspension of suspensions for Aaron Ramsey and Ben Davies mean Chris Coleman has to alter the winning combination. I agree Gareth Bale contributions have been praiseworthy, but one man’s contribution is almost forgotten and he is none other than, Aaron Ramsey who has been the main force top drive Bale and others forward.

Many say, Cristiano Ronaldo dragged his side into the Round of 16 with two fine goals and a majestic assist, played a key role in the match-winning goal against Croatia and won a clear penalty against Poland, to which the referee turned a blind eye. But, when I am talking about the best player in the world, then obviously I would expect much involvement from him.

Whereas, Bale has been more involved than Ronaldo in this tournament and easily stays ahead of his Real Madrid teammate. He not only set his team up, largely aided by Ramsey, with his speed, but at times, I also noticed him to drop down to recover the ball and then set up again towards the opposition goal.

Wales are the favourites, but if Portugal maintain their ability to dish out yet another bloody-minded-formula-to-find-the-way-to-win, Bale might and his men might not smile tonight.  Portugal should not be complacent.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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