Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Spare a thought for the cricket balls and the bowlers

“Former Australian captain Ricky Ponting has called for regulation of the bat’s weight and size to ensure greater balance of it with the ball, especially in Test cricket. Ponting says the use of the bats being manufactured currently which have extremely thick edges, should be allowed only in short formats of the game. The current laws in the sport talk only about the length and the width of the bats, but not the depth and weight. Players such as David Warner are famous for using bats that have thick edges, but are made from lighter material that reduce the overall weight”.

Courtesy: Cricket Country

Why the size of the bat should only be considered for Test cricket and not the limited-overs version? The use of heavy bats and rules, have made the limited-overs cricket nothing but a contest of bowler-bashing. That’s not cricket at all. A contest needs to be well balanced rather than one-sided. The size of the bat should not be over-sized.

Moreover, why doesn’t anyone say a word about the ball? These days, the balls don’t swing or skid enough like the 80s and 90s. Balls like Kookabuara and SG need modification. Whereas, the Dukes balls are quite bowler’s friendly and offers a better competition between the bat and ball.   

Cricket is a contest between bat and ball and not just bashing the bowlers in a world where all the rules are made only to favour the batsmen.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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