Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Will Philippe Coutinho return to Premier League?

None wants to bother when you are having a rough patch. Even at times, your own shadow wishes to leave all alone. Such is the situation of Brazil’s Philippe Coutinho right now. The Brazilian, who was once tagged as the little magician, has now become a liability for the big clubs in Europe.

At Liverpool, Coutinho flourished. He swapped clubs in a very critical period of Liverpool’s journey to the best and joined Barcelona. He landed in Camp Nou to provided the delicate touch, but each day his decaying state became evident. He joined Bayern Munich on loan with the hopes of regaining his lost mojo, but apart from few matches, he was a lost soul.

Bayern Munich have chosen not to make the Brazilian's stay in Bavaria permanent and he would have to return to the Camp Nou once the season is over.

Barcelona know that his transfer from Liverpool hasn't worked out as expected, with his performances not living up to the fee they paid for him.

As a result, the best thing Coutinho can do for Barcelona at the moment is to generate some funds as part of a summer sale.

Kia Joorabchian, Coutinho’s agent said, “He has the desire to return to the Premier League at any point. It could be this year. We don't know”.

Joorabchian also didn't rule out the possibility of Coutinho staying on loan at Bayern for another season.

But that possibility is most unlikely to happen and Countinho’s next destination might be England or somewhere else because given the reputation of Coutinho right now, it is very unlikely that prominent clubs in England would be interested in him.

But, someone like Coutinho – at such a young age – still deserves one last chance in Europe for a comeback. He could be productive in either Arsenal or Everton. And, if that does not happen then he would have to return to Brazil and enjoy his game.

Note: This article has been posted at Cricketsoccer as CSdesk on 02/06/2020 Will Philippe Coutinho return to Premier League? 

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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