Friday, March 25, 2016

Oh, Johan Cryuff!

I'm deeply attached to the legendary footballers and cricketers. Whenever one retires or dies, I get very emotional. Especially, when someone like Socrates, Richie Benaud, Martin Crowe or Johan Cruyff leave this world, my life halts for a brief period. It remains stagnant.

These sportsmen not only gave us joy, but taught us so many things which I miss among the modern day cricketers and footballers. Some of them revolutionized the game while some conveyed the right words by writing articles or some of them described the beauty of the game from the commentary box.

How poorer cricket and football become after their departure only people like me can realize. A big vacuum has been created which can't be filled easily.

At the moment, I'm absolutely down because of the death of Ctyuff. After Pele, none had such a revolutionary impact on football like Cryuff. I'm very sad. You can't even realize my pain.

Rest in peace Johan Cruyff.

You've left me in tears.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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