Sunday, October 4, 2015

Why should I start disliking the Australian cricket team?

Cricket Australia didn't take the decision to postpone tour, but it was decided by their Govt. and no Board Officials can't do anything against the decision of Govt. The Australian players were very eager to tour #Bangladesh, but what happened in the end was extremely a sad affair.

Of course, I am hurt with Cricket Australia's postpone of Bangladesh tour, but that doesn't mean that I have to dislike their people and cricket team. Neither the people of Bangladesh should spread hatred against them and unleash an Anti-Australian campaign. Sadly, a group of people is doing it with enough vigor and they are the so-called pundits of Bangladesh.

They should at least realize, how productive will be their such an effort? Comments in front of the media should be sensible enough. But, it's useless to expect sense from these bigots! I repeat, cheap jingoism and conspiracy theories always dent the ability to think logically and hampers the psychological health.

Any how, I might be hurt with the postpone of tour, but my respect and love for the Australian cricket team has not decreased a bit. I shall continue to respect Allan Border, Steve Waugh, Mark Taylor, Glenn McGrath, Shane Warne etc. and cheer for them as I know Australia's true worth in world cricket.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar

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