Sunday, June 12, 2016

#ROFL - Red alert for Bangladesh cricket?

Chandika Hathurusingha sounded optimistic about the future of ‎Bangladesh ‎cricket and I wish to invest my faith in his words. While Chandika expressed his optimism, a group of so called 'experts' are extremely pessimistic about the future of our cricket.


Some changes in the selection panel can never be an indication of 'red alert'. Some people's thoughts are so funny and weird. But I thank them for making me laugh in the morning.


I express my dissatisfaction about some of the decisions regarding the selection panel. I think the captain should also be included in the selection panel along with the coach and I don't think we need the Chief operating officer and manager here. We all know, too many cooks spoil the broth.

But I also need to realize the fact that such decisions were taken by a person who has instilled a new rhythm in Bangladesh cricket. Perhaps, there are some aspects of this change which we are unable to decipher. I wish to wait and watch as I have faith in Nazmul Hassan.

People like Chadika Hathurusingha and Nazmul Hassan is involved in our cricket. So don't be distracted by some 'red alert' type crap opinion.

Thank You
Faisal Caesar 

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